FIFA 06 Demo Lite
//Um 1.09.2005 22:34Once again—and that is not a surprise for those of you, who know us for a few years—we cut a big demo version of the FIFA game into a tiny little one. The very recent FIFA 06 Demo has been transformed from a heavy 213 Mb jubberwocky into a light demo that weighs just 33.5 Mb, not less, not more.
With our FIFA 06 Demo Lite you are able to save some disk space, for example, if you wish to put the game into your file archive. The difference of one hundred and fifty megabytes matters sometimes. Not every living soul on this planet is able to download demos, which are weighing far more than they deserve.
Moreover, we, Mania Software, have made a modicum of changes that are, we are sure, efficacious to bring a better football into the demo. First of all, we have set the screen resolution to 1024x768; then we have enabled the linesmen and the referee. What kind of football without a referee is that, you might have asked before. Not very good, we might have replied.
To compress FIFA 06 Demo we got rid of some useless for a demo version stuff, such as the music files and prescreens. The last thing speeds up the process of getting into the game itself. You are free to find the FIFA 06 Demo Lite Edition in our downloads section.