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Старый 07.06.2010, 15:34   #41
Регистрация: 17.10.2009
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Сообщение от BorsCooper Посмотреть сообщение
а када е3 буде?
15-17 Июня
Arti29 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.06.2010, 16:11   #42
Аватар для grafnoskov
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слава богу в июле беру бокс и мне больше не надо будет жить в ожиданиях приображения пк версии, хотя всё равно на комп тоже куплю 11))
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Старый 08.06.2010, 18:35   #43
Аватар для Diego_013
Регистрация: 26.06.2009
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Ну и где новости?? скриншоты с журнала и т.д. ??
Diego_013 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.06.2010, 18:42   #44
Аватар для Black Isle
Регистрация: 26.03.2008
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вот перевод на английский статьи из польского cd-action

Football will rule the world from half of the June to July, but there is no need to rest after that. During the autumn the football fever will rise up again as FIFA 11 hits stores. I already played this game: the revolution is coming!

Those players who don't have, or dont' plan to buy any consoles, may don't worry. In the last few years FIFA for PC has old engine and was much worse thant its X360 and PS3 equivalent (despite that they were called the same, FIFA 08, FIFA 09 etc.). In this year it's about to change. In EA Sports headquarter in Vancouver, despite no one said that directly, insinuatingle smiles and utterances to turned off mircophones don't leave any doubts. Pro Evolution Soccer series will gain the powerful rival in PC gaming in upcoming season.

A road to victory:
For those who were not similar with console FIFA in the last few years, here's the explanation why we are so happy. It all started in 2006 when EA Sports decided to leave its old engine and build the new one from the scratch. The biggest difference was 'unfastening' the ball from the player - those elements were animated separatly (for PES it was a standart for few years). But players had to wait one year more to get really good football game - it was then, in 2007 when FIFA took "the best football game" title back. Console players has been amazed by extremely realistic and smooth animations. There was no faking in players movement. FIFA 09 and 10 were less spectacular, but they have builded FIFA reputation on the market - FIFA 10 has been sold in millions of copies which affected the Electronic Arts giant corporation in positive way.

EA Sports trademark is to include a new game mode to new FIFA game every year. This time it's called Personality+ - a word which I heard few times during the presentation. What does it means? Honestly, not much. It's not the revolution like Be a Pro mode, but a small suggestion that EA want to improve players appearance and their behavior on the turf.

In one of the diagrams and summaries I found one interesting aspect: EA admitted that PES 2010 had much better pictured player faces. The point of that repentance was to show that FIFA 11 will be unbeatable. EA spent lots of money on 3D photography devices. The crew visited Europe where they invited the best football players to photo sessions. Result? You can use "photorealism" word without being embarrassed.

In FIFA 10 there were 3 models of players: short, medium and tall. Musuclature and fatness were added a litlle falsely, so the proportions of the body weren’t very accurate. In FIFA 11 they tripled this number, adding a possibility of creating special models.

Generally EA spent lot of time on the graphics. When you see the game first time, you may notice there aren’t any changes but actually there is a lot of them. For example, the turf. It will look better. Maybe not “more realistic” but simply better. What’s more, all players will have improved appearance, not only the top ones like Rooney or Torres. They will be able to blink, they will follow the ball with their eyes, they will look around. The clothing will change as well. It will fit to the season, during summer you will wear one cloth and during autumn another one. The socks will have 3 lenghts. What’s more, EA improved lightning system.
But to really enjoy the beauty of this game you will need… a PC!
The most important quotes for the text:

- The game is finished in 50% so far, but even now it’s very, very playable!
- You need few moment to realize that to this moment football “simulations” did half of the work for you automatically.
- There is a lot of changes in animations.
- The realism raised up dramatically!
- The Manager Mode and Multiplayer will be improved.
- You will be able to put your own music to the game.
- It will be one of the best selling computer games this year!

And the most important: Finally, the PC version will be the same as the console ones!

+ section:

- finally for PC!
- Better realism
- Much better animations!
- The game seems to be better than real arenas!

- section:

- The game will be much harder and real.
Black Isle вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.06.2010, 18:42   #45
Аватар для Foz1k
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Старый 08.06.2010, 18:48   #46
Аватар для Black Isle
Регистрация: 26.03.2008
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Foz1k, это вообще-то ролик-заставка к апл с канала SKY Sports. к фифе отношения не имеет.
Black Isle вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.06.2010, 18:49   #47
Аватар для Foz1k
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Эх, о5 фейк=(
Foz1k вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.06.2010, 18:57   #48
Аватар для smit86
Регистрация: 10.07.2008
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ЕА не верю.небось сделают новый движок,а геймплей останется тот-же туповатым:комп все время забивает через центр!!!И жаль чо мы ПК обладатели останемся без НХЛ-11(ха это я еа не навижу!!!!!!!)!!
smit86 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.06.2010, 19:01   #49

Аватар для chisik
Регистрация: 25.10.2005
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NHL как и фифа божественна на консолях и ужасна на пк
Miklos Feher (1979-2004) - помним, скорбим..
Спартак Москва - Любовь моя!
chisik вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08.06.2010, 19:18   #50
Аватар для BlackMn
Регистрация: 29.07.2009
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хм.... помоему они говорили , что АЖ НА 6 страниц материал накатали.... а тут текста "чуть больше анекдота"
BlackMn вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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