Просмотр полной версии : Need to talk to 'programmer'
Need to talk to this man who fixed the fifa-fat file. I have a similar problem and maybe he can help. I will pay for the work.
Please can he contact me on jefcam@gmail.com
16.05.2018, 00:55
At first I thought it was spam. It seems that a person is looking for our Vegood :)
No not spam. I am Jeffrey from Malta.
I've been upgrading a fifa08 mod for personal use. Now after 10 years, some days ago a problem developed in the audio folder.
I think it can be solved from the exe file. That is why I need that person who created the big-fat.exe long ago to help me.
I will offer him a donation for sure.
20.05.2018, 02:41
Clear. But he very rarely visits this site. It remains to hope that he will see your message :rolleyes:
maybe if you see him online please pass the message. or maybe you have a personal email i don't know.